Animated stories from the world of Sorbian and Lusatian sagas and fairy tales, for children aged 4 to 6.
„What the Old Moon Tells“ is a series of 4-minute animated films, each dedicated to a different character from the world of Lusatian legends and fairy tales: the Midday Lady, the Waterman, the Will-o‘-the-Wisps, the Dragon, the Lutken...
This is not a classic short film format. Visually, we imagine the series as a kind of „fairy tale peekaboo“. The humorous plot takes place in this fantastic and magical world full of secrets.
The mythical creatures and magic are mixed with our everyday reality. The devil cries, the dragon wants millet porridge. The result is humorously whimsical. The stories are entertaining, magical and at the same time instructive - as is known from sagas, they always end with an important moral.
Format: TV Series (Miniseries), 13 episodes * 4 minutes
Animation (3D, CGI)
Target group: 3 - 99 (children & families), core target group 4-6
Transmedia: VR Experience, Books
Languages: German, Sorbian, English
Status: In Development
What the Old Moon Tells
Das Vorhaben wird gefördert durch die Stiftung für das sorbische Volk, die jährlich auf der Grundlage der beschlossenen Haushalte des Deutschen Bundestages, des Landtages Brandenburg und des Sächsischen Landtages Zuwendungen aus Steuermitteln erhält.
Projekt spěchuje so wot Załožby za serbski lud, kotraž dóstawa lětnje přiražki z dawkowych srědkow na zakładźe hospodarskich planow Němskeho zwjazkoweho sejma, Krajneho sejma Braniborskeje a Sakskeho krajneho sejma.